Terms and conditions
NHS Wales Commercial Medicines Access reference tool
NHS Wales has entered into various Patient Access Schemes (PAS) and Commercial Access Arrangements (CAA) in order to provide access to cost-effective innovative medicines. A simple discount scheme allows providers to access such medicines at a set discounted price.
If NHS Wales agree that a discount level may remain confidential, such agreement is always subject to the condition that the NHS must have access to the discount price, so health boards and NHS Trust are able to properly account for this discount.
If you wish to access the information contained in this portal but do not have a log-in, please contact NHSWales.CA@wales.nhs.uk at NHS Wales.
IMPORTANT: Please read the following information before entering this portal.
By clicking 'continue' and accessing the information contained in this portal you warrant, understand and agree that:
1. You are an NHS Wales provider or commissioner that is authorised to access information available in this
portal OR You are a nominated user from NHS England that is authorised to access information available in
this portal;
2. The pricing information made available by NHS Wales via this portal is for use by you for accounting purposes
3. You are accessing this portal on an NHS issued device;
4. You are not entitled to use the pricing information for any other purpose; and
5. The pricing information available via this portal constitutes confidential information and you are not
entitled to disclose it to any third party without the specific permission of NHS Wales or the relevant
manufacturer, unless you are under a legal obligation to do so.
NHS Wales will automatically collect and retain information about your use of this portal. NHS Wales may decide
to revoke your authorisation if it believes you have accessed or used any information inappropriately and
further substantive action may also be taken if appropriate.
As of 1st April 2024 WHSSC formally changed to JCC. For any details stated on the reference tool as WHSSC, these details will now be under the ownership of JCC.
Agree and Continue